Joe Rice wrote:
> I'm new to Flash but have still been charged with researching the 
> possibility of using Flash as the front end of a struts web application 
> that has already been built with JSP's.  Has anyone used Flash with 
> Struts, and if so, do you have any suggestions, tutorials etc... you 
> would recommend?
> Thanks.

I do a lot of flash work so although I haven't used it with struts I 
think I have an idea of how this would be approached. Basically you are 
going to want to replace the JSP views with Flash views. This means you 
will lose the taglibs that are for specifically handling html forms 
because you are now using flash form elements which are slightly 
different. On the other hand, Flash gives you more programming control 
so you can do the validation in place.

For those who don't do much Flash work, a Flash can load other flash 
movies so rather than continually loading new html pages that contain a 
new flash movie you would be loading in new sub-movies. I think you 
would want it to work something like this:

Flash form -> Struts FormBean -> Action -> return new Flash sub movie 
with response

So the only part that is new is the response is a new dynamically 
created flash movie loaded into the container flash movie instead of new 
jsp loaded into the browser.

There is an open source project called jgenerator at 
Though it has now been commercialized at the original is 
under an apache style license. Usually used for online dynamic flash 
generation it can also act as API for a servlet to dynamically create 
flash movies.

The end result would be instead of a form getting an html response you 
would use the Flash LoadMovie() command to load a swt (Flash Template) 
file. So you would have struts return the swt instead of a jsp. The swt 
then loads the servlet/jsp/whatever-creates-a-data-text-file to get the 
data it needs.

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