Yes, I know.  I'm working through it all and getting things done as fast as
I can.

I'm just "one of many" spending/donating time trying to help others get up
to speed on the framework.  It really is a better way to write apps.

Struts has so much to offer, keep at it and don't give up!!!  We are here to

Good luck.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the "Open Minded Developer Network"
ICQ: 27651409
AOLIM: jmitchtx (and NO I don’t use AOL;)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mailinglist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2002 6:05 AM
> Subject: Re: wishlist
> Hello James,
> Nice work ! The thing that would help me is the rewrite of
> struts-example.war with  JDO / Mysql login form example instead of  xml
> database
> ----- Original Message -----
> > LOL....I know....I dreaming......but one day mind you.......;)
> >
> > I cannot tell you how many hours of my life have been wasted coding the
> same
> > SH#T over and over again in ASP and COM.  From 1997 to 2000ish
> I thought I
> > was the ASP/COM KING!!!!!  No doubt this was also at the height on the
> .bomb
> > era (I mean .com)
> >
> > Then I started learning this cool thing called "Java Web Application
> > Development with Struts" (I believe that's also a book title somewhere
> right
> > Ted??? ;)
> >
> > I remember (this happened a few times) picking up the phone and ordering
> > dinner for a few other developers and myself from Dominoes.  We were
> working
> > on a getting a nice new enhancement out the door by that week.  Only one
> > problem, Dominoes had closed for the night, it was 3 AM!!!
> >
> > Sometime early last year, I sat down and rewrote an application
> that I had
> > done for a client (originally in ASP).  I duplicated the functionality,
> but
> > wrote it in Java (w/Struts no doubt).
> >
> >                        ASP      Struts
> > Lines of code         1257       148
> > *includes html, css, but not comments
> >
> > Features that were not in the ASP version:
> > *logging
> > *connection pooling
> >
> > That was with a pre 1.0 version when I was still working with Chuck at
> > NetVendor.  I'm sure it could have been fewer lines, but I was
> new to this
> > whole Struts business thing :-)
> > This doesn't even show the time savings by using tiles and the
> validator.
> > Anyway, this is only one of several reasons why I put on my
> signature line
> > "Struts Evangelist".
> >
> >
> > Anyway, I hope to complete my wish list be the end of the week.
>  If anyone
> > cares to add to the list, I'll add a section on there for you.
> >
> > I'm not sure how this (wishes/plans) all correlates to what the other
> > developers/committers are doing with proposals and such.  One thing I've
> > noticed is that the pages on the struts site are not consistent
> as far as
> > layout and links.
> >
> > Anyone else notice this too???
> >
> > I had planned to re-write the struts-example that ships with the binary
> and
> > source dist, but I've seen evidence that I'm not the first to
> tackle this.
> > I hate doing doing duplicate work (that's why I'm here) so if
> anyone else
> > (Ted, Vic, James, anyone) is going to do this, please tell me so I can
> focus
> > on something else.
> >
> > Ted, Vic, and Bryan are you doing anything with the struts site on
> > sourceforge?
> > I had been looking around last month for a place to post
> samples and docs,
> > then I found your site.  I left a msg in public forums, but there's no
> > activity.  Would care to add me as a member/developer?  I'd
> like to offer
> my
> > web hosting services to any of your projects.  It's a DSL with
> static IP.
> > Not the most robust bandwidth I know, but hey, its free!!!  Well, I have
> to
> > pay for the line, but that's minimal compared to what I get in return.
> >
> >
> > James Mitchell
> > Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
> > Struts-Atlanta, the "Open Minded Developer Network"
> >
> > ICQ: 27651409
> > AOLIM: jmitchtx (and NO I don't use AOL;)

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