Why write your own tag? I'd recommend using the JSP Standard Tag 
Library, which has a <c:forEach> action that's just what you're looking 
for. See this URL:



Olikkadavath, Bobby wrote:

>I have to write a iterate tag with features of setting up a max limit of
>items that can be displayed from a collection.
>for ex there is a collection of Employees (employeeList). The Employee class
>has getName and getAddress.
>Now out of the 50 or more employees I want to display 10 employee names at a
>time with a next and previous link. If the person clicks on one of the
>listed employee names, I have to display the full address.
>Can anyone suggest me how to do this with the iterate tag. Or can anyone
>direct me to a tutorial or help that goes in depth into the iterate tag. All
>the help I found on the web were very basic in nature.

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