On Mon, 8 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Tell me again why I should use the standard form beans?
> I'm trying to understand because it seems to add complexity having two
> different ways of doing Form Beans. Why not polish up the Dyna bean stuff
> and then dump (er, deprecate) normal Form Beans?

If DynaActionForm had been around from the very beginning, I doubt we
would have ever invented the standard ActionForm bean approach.  At the
same time, I can't necessarily justify deprecating something that 100% of
existing 1.0 applications are required to use, especially when the rest of
Struts doesn't care at all which way you do things -- and you can even
make your Actions not care if you use PropertyUtils methods to get and set
the property values.

> One advantage I will give the normal Form Beans is that they are easier for
> a newbie to pick up and learn. They shorten the learning curve to get
> productive with Struts initially. But if DynaBeans were made to be very
> easy, then this advantage may disappear as well.

It's also a little premature to conclude that DynaActionForm beans are
good replacements for all scenarios where standard ActionForm beans are
currently used - at least in a 1.1 time frame.  We need more real world
experience with them to validate this first.

> Kevin


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