Out of curiosity, how did you implement the in-memory
cache?  One big (1 gig!) hashmap :-) or something more


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon.Chappell
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:07 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: RE: where can caching help performance?

We have found that the biggest bang for the buck comes
with pre-fetching 
data out of the database and building our business
objects ahead of time 
and storing them in an in-memory cache. This means
that we have a very 
large cache (we estimate at least a gig when we get
fully ramped up for 
phase one and more after that), but we get phenominal
throughput from 
it. Our reason for this was a maximum processing time
of 3.6 seconds and 
we knew that we could not allow the database access to
be the choke 
point in the system.

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