We have a servlet that starts up at app server initialisation and it's init method 
starts our background caching thread and it's finalize method stops it. This way the 
cache is always in memory and doesn't get picked up by the GC.


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 9:12 AM
>Subject: RE: where can caching help performance
>This may be a dumn question, but since its friday what the heck...
>If I wanted to build a bunch of business objects when the 
>server starts 
>and keep them as singletons or factory objects how would I get them to 
>start up and stay alive after that...  if I did it on the 
>first request 
>once the request finished the object would be cleaned up...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: jamienz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 10:01 AM
>To: struts-user
>Subject: RE: where can caching help performance
>Out of curiosity, how did you implement the in-memory
>cache?  One big (1 gig!) hashmap :-) or something more
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Simon.Chappell
>Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:07 PM
>To: struts-user
>Subject: RE: where can caching help performance?
>We have found that the biggest bang for the buck comes
>with pre-fetching 
>data out of the database and building our business
>objects ahead of time 
>and storing them in an in-memory cache. This means
>that we have a very 
>large cache (we estimate at least a gig when we get
>fully ramped up for 
>phase one and more after that), but we get phenominal
>throughput from 
>it. Our reason for this was a maximum processing time
>of 3.6 seconds and 
>we knew that we could not allow the database access to
>be the choke 
>point in the system.
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