Joe Barefoot wrote:

>Finally, Java is founded on the notions of layers in the first place--API
>and layer are synonymous.  I suppose your colleage would rather not use the
>Servlet API at all, since you can just work directly with the
>request/response in *Java*?  JSP is a presentation layer--would he rather
>just stick to Servlets and write directly to the response?
You know what's insane?  People do that!  They think saving 2 seconds 
(some do) is worth all the extra hassle of actually coding HTML as 
out.println(...) statements.  Now, don't ask about maintenance, as speed 
is of the utmost concern.  Why?  I have no clue!  LOL  My wife actually 
works for a shop that went away from JSPs for presentation - has no MVC 
ideas at all - and ... man I'm glad I don't have her job :-)  I'd 
probably get the boot after I told them what I thought about their 
approach.  She's not as forward as am I though, so she just plucks along 
churning out things lol.  Be scared - people do this :-O



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