Hi, Eddie!
> Any current implementation details we should be aware of?

What do u mean?

> My guess (man I hate to guess) is that you've got some piece of 
> javascript attached to the onsubmit= attribute of your form.  This 
> script is trying to modify your hidden variables' values.  Am I warm? So 
> you have something like:
> <... onSubmit="return foo(this);" ...> on your form.
> then you have something like:
> function foo(form)
> {
>    form.someHiddenField.value = "some value";
>    return true;
> }

U were just warm... :o)
I've tried to modify the values through Javascript also, but didn't 
work. But the Javascript wasn't attached to any buttons. Quite close, 
actually. :)
> You still haven't really given enough details - this is an absolute 
> guess at what you're trying to do.
> There's not really a way for you to "delete" the parameters from the 
> form (that I am aware of) using JavaScript (I think this what you were 
> wanting to do, but I don't understand your statements well still). 
> Remember:  This is a *parameter* you're messing with here - *not* an 
> attribute.  If you want to get it, you're going to call 
> request.getParameter("name") - *not* request.getAttribute("name");  I 
> think maybe you are confused on this - these are totally different 
> things - apples and pickles.

I know that they are parameters and not attributes and I know the 
difference also, but I thought that may be a way to mdify the damn 
parameters values. Loox like there is no such possibility.

> Does this rambling help any?!  Restate your problem, again, and be as 
> deliberate (thorough/detail-oriented) with you description as you can 
> about your problem and attempted implementation.
Again?! Well, I can't waste time writing mails all day, u know...
I'll try again. All I want is to modify the values from parameters in a 
request object (or remove the parameters). I have no query string 
available, because is done in such way, the URL is something like:
My hunch is that I shouldn't use hidden fields, but request attributes 
instead. Am I rite? I don't wanna use session attributes for this thing.

I hope now is more explicit than before...


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