I am using Tomcat 4.0.3, Struts 1.0.2, and Debian Linux 2.2.19.  I think I
have memory leak in my app.  I notice
the size of the free memory is going down everytime there is a user hitting
it.  The size of free memory will never went back up.  Adding more memory
only delays the app to fail.

Billy Ng

----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Ball" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 7:15 AM
Subject: RE: Run out of Memeory

> On 8/27/2002 at 4:48 PM Billy Ng wrote:
> >I should say the app is hung silently.  It won't do anything when I click
> >on
> >any links or submit buttons.  So I shutdown the tomcat and startup again,
> >but it will say "java.net.BindException: Address already in use..."
> >something like that.  I need to kill the java process manually and
> >again.  When I look at the tomcat log, it has no expection logged.  Do
> >think it is the memory issue?
> Dunno, try increasing the amount of memory available to your JVM
> (-Xmx128m?) and see if the problem goes away. To me, it sounds
> like the struts hanging problem I reported yesterday. Are you using
> struts-1.1b2? Once your webapp has hung processing a request, can you
> hit other URLs that it serves or is the whole thing frozen?
> - donald
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