I'm using declarative exception handling in struts 1.1. I have no problems
implementing them. However I want to display additional information of the
exception by getting the e.getMessage() and including it into the
ActionError object. I've read up Chuck 's chapter 10 on exception and used
SpecialExceptionHandler.java as reference in building my own
exceptionhandler class.

I've included the class in the struts-config.xml like this:

<exception key="error.system" type="javax.ejb.FinderException"

However when my application throws the javax.ejb.FinderException, instead of
running the SpecialExceptionHandler I get a NoClassDefFoundError for

Adding the struts.jar into the classpath would solve this problem but that
shouldn't be the way. Any ideas?


p/s I'm using Weblogic 7.0 and ServletExec 4.1

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