Elderclei R Reami wrote:

>Even though, I'm passionate about Java, I need to recognize: M$ really makes UI 
>development a lot easier than Sun/Java/Open Source Community. If you ever developed a 
>VB app and a Swing-based Java app, knows what I mean.
FWIW, I agree that .NET is a great deal easier to use than any open 
source J2EE combo pack currently available. Last fall, I was invited to 
a 3-day, all expenses paid workshop that introduced .NET to Java 
authors, (since when would Sun do anything like that for MS authors?) 
and I was blown away by the simplicity and elegance of .NET.

Also, I noticed that Scott McNealy himself made a comment in a recent 
interview to the effect that "whoever advertises the most wins". I'm an 
avid reader of the New York Times and I've noticed numerous full-page 
.NET advertisements in that newspaper over the past few months and zero 
adds for Java or J2EE. One degree of freedom. Indeed.

Finally, as a Java author, I've watched in abject horror as Java book 
sales have plummeted over the past year and .NET books have gradually 
gained ground. Watch out, J2EE, the .NET juggernaut is at your back and 
coming up fast.

>I haven't read the entire JSF spec, but I've seen the tutorial, and as far as I 
>understand it, JSF does not make programming UI interface much easier than Struts.
Actually, it's much worse than that. After reading through the JSF 
tutorial, JSF makes developing UIs *more difficult* than Struts. As it's 
currently spec'd, JSF can't hold a candle to Struts, even though it's 
obviously a blatant,  inelegant Struts imitation. Want to use form beans 
with JSF? You've got to create them yourself with <jsp:useBean>. Want 
validation with JSF? Get ready to write some Java code and plug it into 
the framework. All that for what -- 2 years of development (not to 
mention a year late)?

I just sent feedback to the JSF expert group stating my concerns with 
JSF and I suggest that others on this mailing list read the tutorial and 
spec and do the same.

In the spirit of the Friday biere messages: c'est dommage!


>Any comments? The matter is: I have a family, and want to get home earlier, not 
>4:00AM. A lot of philosophy and 
>online psychoterapy for FRIDAY, but... :)
>Elderclei R Reami
>Vertis Tecnologia
>+55 11 3887-0835
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