The thing with .NET and Microsoft is that you normally have little choice 
on how to do things; you have all in one IDE, which is something I wish we 
had.  As with J2EE you have tons of choices, is that good or 
bad?  Sometimes I think its what makes developing in java a pain, you have 
tons of IDEs, but none are complete, instead of working together we have 
tons of different open source tools for the same purpose, and each one 
lacks something the other has, which makes me wonder why dont they just 
join forces and create something with the best of the two solutions, and I 
come up with the answer that this is a democracy, and like a democracy, all 
we do is argue, as for .NET you get what they ship out :)  J2EE containers 
have been fighting against each other while .NET has been growing its 
impossible that they didnt see that.

How many frameworks like struts are there?(no need to answer, I now there 
are tons) And now we have JSF, from which I have seen overlaps with Struts, 
and yet its different, here is my point why not use a framework that is 
already out, to make life easier for developers.  The constant changes in 
Java are a real pain, when you finally get the hang of something they 
something comes out that is sometimes totally different.  I like new 
things, but there has to be a limit, we have JSP 2, JSTL, JSF, and etc etc 
etc.  It seems that we need to spend more time finding out what is new and 
out there and less time developing.
And we don’t have a all-in-one-to-everything IDE, we have to hope some 
really nice developer takes the time to develop a plug-in, I don’t 
understand why IDE like Jbuilder don’t come with support for frameworks 
like struts.
In version 8 or 9  maybe there will be integration with JSF, by then JSF 2 
will be out….

Pls don’t flame me :) just my opinion, I know a lot ppl put really hard 
work into Struts, JSF, JSTL, JSP, J2EE and etc.


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Elderclei R Reami [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:36 AM
> > Subject: Java Server Faces and Developer Life Comments
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've just finished my first Struts project, and it's been a
> > great experience on how to do and not to do things. This
> > list has been of great help, as well.
> >
> > Anyway, I have some comments to make. Please, don't flame me,
> > because it's just a view someone that needs
> > to be productive.
> >
> > I've developed a project some time ago using .Net framework
> > and Visual Studio. Wonderful experience, very very
> > much productive. Creation of a web interface is just a matter
> > of point and click. First impression: "that's what I
> > need for mass production, short 'sell, implement, bill'
> > cycles". Graphical components do keep state during calls,
> > integration is event-oriented, which makes it easy like
> > Visual Basic or Delphi traditional dev. Really easy to learn
> > and use.
> >
> > About Struts: hard to use, lack of good development tools,
> > but years light ahead of pure JSP development. Struts
> > has all the chances of being the way to go. It just needs to
> > be made easier to use, what means: GUI
> > development. I've seen some options: "Eclipse+EasyStruts",
> > StrutsBuilder, StrutsConsole - great tools, but none
> > of them really make GUI+Struts integration easy, they are
> > more like wizards, and need a lot of work yet.
> >
> > Even though, I'm passionate about Java, I need to recognize:
> > M$ really makes UI development a lot easier than
> > Sun/Java/Open Source Community. If you ever developed a VB
> > app and a Swing-based Java app, knows what I
> > mean. The point is: M$ approach is make it easy, our approach
> > is make it generic, and conceptually beautiful. M$
> > approach is "sell it, do it fast with small costs, have more profit".
> >
> > I haven't read the entire JSF spec, but I've seen the
> > tutorial, and as far as I understand it, JSF does not make
> > programming UI interface much easier than Struts.
> >
> > Any comments? The matter is: I have a family, and want to get
> > home earlier, not 4:00AM. A lot of philosophy and
> > online psychoterapy for FRIDAY, but... :)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Elderclei R Reami
> > Vertis Tecnologia
> > +55 11 3887-0835
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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