You can look at <html:rewrite/>, but you will probably have the same
nested tag problem (?). Alternatively, you can use the following

<% String url = request.getContextPath() + relativeURL %>

Then pass your url String around as needed. NOTE: you may need to do
something additional to capture the 'module name' if you are using the
module (sub-app) features of struts-1.1.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 15:55, Andreas wrote:
> I need to pass a url as a parameter to a JSP page.  I can't rely on just
> using the relative path.
> Currently the urls that map to struts actions look like this
> http://localhost/appname/servletmappingurlpattern/path/that/resolves/to/
> struts/action
> When using the struts tag html:link  all that I have to specify is
> /path/that/resolves/to/struts/action.  
> I need to programatically retrieve or construct
> /appname/servletmappingurlpattern part of the url.  One way to do this
> is to just parse the url, but I would rather use the proper api if there
> is one.
> I can't use the html:link tag as the page attribute won't accept nested
> tags.
> Does anyone know how to do this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andreas
> PS If there is a place to search old postings, please point it out to
> me.

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