Rick Reumann wrote:

>On Thursday, September 5, 2002, 5:11:40 PM, Devin wrote:
>RDND> are you doing your validations in JavaScript (<html:javascript
>RDND> formName=myForm />) or are you doing it on the server with Java
>RDND> (myForm::validate())?
>      I'm using DynaValidatorForm and the validation that should take
>      place after I set up validation.xml and use the
>      validator-rules.xml. It only seems to return the "required"
>      errors first, then it will go through and check again upon the
>      next submit for any other errors. Maybe I have things set up
>      wrong, but that's how it's behaving for me.
I doubt that you've set things up wrong, because I've experienced the 
same problem, among others, using the validator. My feeling is that the 
validator's not quite ready for prime-time with Struts; I've gone back 
to implementing form beans by hand and coding validation in the bean's 
validate method. That works, and I have more control over the process.


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