Wow. I dunno, but here's a guess (you could look at the code generated to
get a better idea if this is a contributing factor):

Since each JSP compiles down to a single method call in the generated source
class, and (depending on how the JSP compiler generates Java source) each
custom tag could potentially have its own try/catch block as well as several
local variables, the more 'stuff' you have on a single page correlates to
the amount of stack memory required for the local scope of the method call.

I imagine that the overhead for the much larger (single page) method call
would hinder perfomance *somewhat*, but if splitting it up increases speed
that much, there must be something else awry here.


-----Original Message-----
From: gus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 7:15 AM
Subject: Improving performance by splitting JSP?


I had a performance problem in my struts application where one JSP
page took about 5 secs to display (Tomcat 4.0.4, Struts 1.1b1, Win2k,
PIII 500, 512Mb). The page uses struts taglibs (bean, logic, html) and
is nearly 300 lines long.

I tried to track down the problem but with no luck. Finally I split
the page into 3 parts using <jsp:include ...> and now the whole page
loads 5 times faster.

Does anybody made the same experience and/or has an explanation for
that behaviour?


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