> Yup, we looked at overall size of the JSP as well, and the association with
> performance was definitely number of bm/bw tags within a single JSP rather
> than overall JSP size.  We even tried editing the generated servlet code
> and adding big unused methods to see if the problem had to do with
> generated servlet file size.  That would kind've made sense, but was a
> negative.  I believe we also tried a tag that just did a sysout rather than
> any kind of memory lookup (hashtable or properties file) and found that
> this performance quirk in the sun vm did not appear in that case.

I tried to be clever. I once created <xenonsoft:contextPath/>
tag 14 months ago. I learnt to my cost the amount of java
code it generated.

<html src="<xenonsoft:contextPath>/acme/images/down.gif" />

JSP bloat.

I use scriptlets and JSP include fragment to cut the size

<% // Fragment
        String contextPath = request.getContextPath();

<@include page="init.jsp" >


<html src="<%= contextPath + "/acme/images/down.gif" %>" />

Peter Pilgrim         +-----\ +-++----++----+
Java Technologist     |     | | ||    ||    | 'n' Shine
                       |  O  | | ||  --+| ---+
         /\            | ._  / | | \  \ |    |
        /  \           | | \ \ | |+--  || ---+ A new day
       /_  _\  "Up"    | | | | | ||    ||    | is coming
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<home page="http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/"; />

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