Peter A. J. Pilgrim wrote:

> Robert J. Sanford, Jr. wrote:
>> For my money, or the lack thereof :), I would much rather use 
>> PostgreSQL or
>> SAP DB than MySQL for both feature AND, believe it or not, performance
>> reasons. One of the developers on the SourceForge project did a very 
>> nice
>> comparison of how SF would run on both MySQL and PostgreSQL and he 
>> was very
>> surprised at the results. You can read about it at:
>> Of course, he was 
>> using
>> PHP instead of Struts :)
> The article appears to be lauding MySQL features albeit 1999 on
> some speed issues. I definitely miss the subselect SQL syntax which
> is definitely useful with Oracle and Sybase.
> MySQL 4.0 Beta is out and wait for it. Full Text Match capabilities.
> Is this the end of Lucene or eSearch ? No. I like the bit about
> not returning the whole table of data if the query matches more
> than half the number of rows in the database table. 

... I personally think a DBMS should give you what you ask for :-)  I've 
seen enough times when I actually *did* need to pull back that much 
data, that it would really tick me off if my DBMS made such a judgement 
call for me.  That seems quite arrogant to me ... It should be the 
developer's job to determine what comes back; not the DBMS's job.

> As for LargeResultSets I don't think Sybase has rowset limit
> optimisation. Oracle I know a ROWID reverse keyword or is it
> ROWINDEX I cant remember.

PostgreSQL has this functionality too -- and it's ACID-compliant.

>> For my own personal work I chose PostgreSQL for several features that
>> MySQL - nested queries, views, triggers and stored procedures being the
>> biggies. Transactions weren't available with MySQL at the time I made my
>> decision but, even with their current level of support for 
>> transactions, I
>> cannot conceive of doing without the other features, views and stored
>> procedures especially.
>> And that is why I don't understand Sun's push for MySQL. Are there any
>> enterprise level projects (heck, even department level projects) that 
>> you
>> don't want to use views and stored procedures with?
> Sun's push for MySQL. Where did you read about this ?

 Here's the full story:

>> rjsjr
> Well ISP / Java WebHoster only support MySQL, so I got no choice. 

You should (generally) be able to get them to provide you with 
PostgreSQL too.  I'd be shocked if it wasn't already installed.  SapDB 
is quite hot nowadays too, from my understanding.  Go with a DBMS that 
passes the ACID test ... unless you honestly think you "don't need all 
that stuff".  (I've heard many folks say they don't need an 
ACID-compliant DBMS; I've never understood the statement.  For certain 
confined applications you may not, but overall I think it is [or should 
be] a requirement)



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