Thanks Eddie..

I'll start investigating the "custom realm" possiblity in 
Websphere.  Websphere is just an embellishment of Apache, so, I would 
assume that if Apache can, so can Websphere....however, who knows..

Thanks again Eddie..


At 05:01 PM 19/09/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>CMA is Container Managed Security.  It's implementation will vary from 
>container to container.  It is not tied to EJBs in any way shape or 
>form.  What it is ... is simply ... container-managed security :-)  The 
>container manages the login.
>    - user asks for a page with restricted access (configured in web.xml)
>    - server saves request
>    - server presents user with login page
>    - user submits login
>    - server processes login
>    - server replays initial request made by user
>For "server processes login", the server would (depending on how you 
>configured it; different options may be available from different 
>vendors):  check a database, do a JNDI lookup (LDAP), or <something 
>else>.  Tomcat supports JDBC, JNDI, flat-file, and ... I think it provides 
>another one now, though what it is escapes me.
>Sounds to me like CMA may not quite work for you, unless you implemented a 
>custom realm (don't know if your container supports this; Tomcat 
>does).  You're saying that the cookie is a prompt to begin a login for a 
>specific user.  I guess it's not so bad if you're not including their 
>password; I'd try to go for a userid instead if you could -- much less 
>recognizable and identifyable.  Sorry I came off like a "loose cannon" 
>;-)  I do that sometimes, but my heart is in the right spot.  I just had 
>to see people use practices that might cause (even more) people to disable 
>cookies out of paranoia.
>CMA != Full-Fledged J2EE Server (ie JBoss)
>I believe this is a servlet specification.  Therefore, any servlet 
>container should provide you with a way to configure it.  Of course, there 
>will be as many different ways to configure it as there are vendors of 
>servlet containers :-/ ... but that's what happens when you don't set a 
>standard for something.
>Siong Chan wrote:
>>Hi Eddie and Dimitar..
>>Thanks for your responses.  I realise that using cookies isn't the most 
>>secure thing to do, however, this is a restriction that has been placed 
>>upon us from the server that is redirecting the call to us.
>>However, we actually only keep the username and some other information 
>>(not password) in the cookie and then our server will need to perform a 
>>server to server SOAP message to authorise the userid with the 
>>originating server.
>>BTW, Eddie, is your CMA specifically the EJB container users/roles?
>>Does the web container allow CMA?
>>Dimitar...your idea to forward directly to an action worked.  Thanks!
>Eddie Bush
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Siong H. Chan
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