So, the web server can't find the specified class. Can you check if 
the class is present in 
WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/webapp/tiles/portal/. ? If not, check 
if it is in the war file. If still not there, it is a bug. Do you have 
the latest version of Tiles or Struts ?


Curtney Jacobs wrote:

>thank you for replying. As you suggested, I tried to see if the tiles-doc.war 
>files work for my configuation. I am still getting the same error with an 
>additional error that "org.apache.struts.webapp.tiles.portal.UserMenuAction" 
>is not found.
>I have tried browsing through the API for this class and I could not find it. 
>The following is the exact error I got:
>[ServletException in:/layouts/vboxLayout.jsp] Error - Class not found 
>[ServletException in:/layouts/tabsLayout.jsp] null'
>Again, anymore suggestion/advice would be helpful.
>On Friday 27 September 2002 10:12 am, Cedric Dumoulin wrote:
>>    Hi,
>>   Sorry for this late answer, I am abroad since 2 weeks, and have some
>>trouble with my mails.
>>    Don't you have more message error ?
>>    Maybe you have a problem with one of your tiles. Can you try them
>>separately, especially the ones inserted inside tabs.
>>    Also, can you confirm that tabs from tiles-doc war files work for your
>>configuration ?
>>       Cedric
>>Curtney Jacobs wrote:
>>  >Greetings everyone!!
>>  >
>>  >I am trying to incoporate a tab layout in one of my jsp pages. I have
>>  >the tiles layout examples from the tiles website and I have configured
>>  > my tiles-defs.xml similar to the examples.
>>  >
>>  >However I am getting the following error message:
>>  >
>>  > [ServletException in:/layout/tabsLayout.jsp]'
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>  >
>>  >Thank you.
>>  >ps.
>>  >The Following is what my tiles-defs.xml look like:
>>  >
>>  ><tiles-definitions>
>>  >
>>  >   <!-- ================================================ -->
>>  >   <!-- Master Layout                                    -->
>>  >   <!-- ================================================ -->
>>  >   <!-- Master layout and default layout used by all pages -->
>>  >  <definition name="" path="/layout/classicLayout.jsp">
>>  >     <put name="title"   value="Special Education Student Management
>>  >Layout" />
>>  >     <put name="header"  value="/common/default_header.jsp" />
>>  >     <put name="menu"    value="/common/default_menu.jsp" />
>>  >     <put name="footer"  value="/common/default_footer.jsp" />
>>  >     <put name="body"    value="/common/default_body.jsp" />
>>  >   </definition>
>>  >
>>  >  <definition name="" extends="">
>>  >     <put name="title" value="Specia Education Student Management
>>(SESM)" />
>>  >     <put name="body"  value="" />
>>  >  </definition>
>>  >
>>  >  <definition name="" extends="">
>>  >     <put name="title" value="SESM TABS" />
>>  >     <put name="body"  value="" />
>>  >  </definition>
>>  >
>>  >  <definition name="" path="/layout/tabsLayout.jsp">
>>  >     <put name="selectedIndex" value="0" />
>>  >     <put name="parameterName" value="selected" />
>>  >
>>  >     <putList name="tabList">
>>  >        <item value="Header" link="/common/default_header.jsp"
>>  >classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem"/>
>>  >        <item value="Footer" link="/common/default_footer.jsp"
>>  >classtype="org.apache.struts.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem"/>
>>  >     </putList>
>>  >  </definition>
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  ></tiles-definitions>
>>  >
>>  >I have checked my

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