Phase Web and Multimedia wrote:
> I don't understand what you are asking. With struts you can specify the
> template you want to use by placing a tiles definition in the forward
> mappings. It will map you request url to a definition. Just make sure that
> everything is happening through struts controller and map you forward to
> tiles definitions. Have you tried nesting definition in your tiles-def or
> using the inheritance feature?

Basically, I've got a bunch of pages in a site that are static. I need a 
simple way to template them.

I would like to use Tiles, but I don't want to have links to 
"tiles?def=main.index" and such. I want links to look like below.

So, I'm asking about recommendations to do simple templating of static 
content, in conjunction with a dynamic site built using Struts. (So I 
want to reuse the tiles.)

Thanks for your help,


>>I've tried asking this a few times, but I think I haven't been clear.
>>I need a simple way to have requests converted into calls to Tiles
>>So, requests like "/pages/pageone.thtml", would get turned into a call
>>to the tile "pageone". "/pages/main/pagetwo.thtml" => "main.pageone", etc.
>>I thought creating an Action that would figure out the defintion based
>>on the request URI, using the ideas in
>>However, I've just read that you can't have multiple servlet-mappings.
>>Also, I feel that my approach isn't great.
>>Please, I know people must be doing something for the many "generic"
>>html pages on their dynamic sites, ideas?

Adam Sherman
Software Developer
Teach and Travel Inc.

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