You're right that your DAOs would be implemented using one of the "mapping" 
technologies (JDBC, OJB, EJB, JDO, Castor, etc,).  However, what is useful 
is a framework of helper classes that aid in implementing DAOs for a given 
technology.  I have implemented this framework and it's very lightweight but 
extremely useful.

I have a MapperFactory (mapper is the same idea as a dao) that will return a 
Mapper implementation class given a domain class' Class.  Also, my jdbc 
mappers descend from the JdbcMapper class that provides common jdbc services 
like rollback and commit and dealing with SQLExceptions.  This has cut down 
on the amount of sql error code I write.

Similar parent classes (ie. EjbMapper, JdoMapper) would provide common 
services but I'm not familiar enough with them yet to implement it.


>From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Persistence Framework Comparison?
>Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 13:39:10 -0700 (PDT)
>On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, James Higginbotham wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 15:11:53 -0500
> > From: James Higginbotham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: RE: Persistence Framework Comparison?
> >
> > > >(I wish Struts had a non implemented persistance interface)
> > >
> > > Really?  I think Struts is quite good at what it does, and to me,
> > > persistence seems to outside the scope of a web application MVC
> > > framework.
> >
> > Agreed. Struts does what it does best - web MVC framework. What the
> > original author of the comments (sorry, lost in my mailbox right now) is
> > looking for is what I would recommend happen on top of Struts. Something
> > that takes Struts, a proven OSS O/R framework, and some glue to make
> > DB-driven Struts applications faster to develop.
> >
>If I ever had time to work on such a framework, I'd probably do it in the
>Commons project at Apache, because it would be generally useful (both
>inside and outside of Struts).  Alas, given my work schedule, assuming I'd
>have time for this is probably wishful thinking :-).
>But, I'm curious why you think there would be any glue code needed?  Isn't
>it just a matter of using the persistence framework directly from your
>DAOs (or from your Actions if you don't use DAOs)?  At most, I could only
>conceive of perhaps providing a Struts PlugIn to initialize such a
>framework, but maybe I'm missing something.
>What would definitely be useful is some example apps that illustrate how
>apps can leverage things like this.  There are several pointers in the
>Resources pages to such things.
> > Anything like that out there? Anyone working on this or have one in the
> > planning stages? I've been wanting to craft one myself, but haven't had
> > the time. But if one existed, I'd problem knock out a couple of pet
> > projects faster.
> >
> > James
> >
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