
> > ...what I would recommend happen on top of Struts. Something
> > that takes Struts, a proven OSS O/R framework, and some glue to make
> > DB-driven Struts applications faster to develop. 
> > But if one existed, I'd problem knock out a couple of pet
> > projects faster. 

One exists. :) Expresso is an architectural framework built around a
core of 16 separate, integrated, application framework components - the
glue to make DB-driven Struts applications. 

What makes Expresso noteworthy is:
- it builds on several other open source projects - integrating best of
breed open source components including Cactus, Log4J, JUnit, Xerces,
Xalan, Struts and more into a single, integrated software architecture 
- it has the largest framework community globally (about 4500 on the
listserv) - so most accepted 

> I haven't used it, but I get the feeling that the Expresso framework
> (http://www.jcorporate.com/) tries to fill this need to some extent.

That's exactly what Expresso provides :) and more. Here's a list of what
it does:

- Caching 
- Configuration Values 
- Controller Objects 
- Database Objects 
- DB Connection Pooling 
- Email Connectivity 
- Notification and Error Handling 
- Health Check 
- Job Control 
- Logging Integration
- Registration & Login 
- Security 
- Taglibs 
- Unit Testing 
- Workflow  
- XML Integration

Individually, each of these framework components solves technical
challenges that developers traditionally must solve on their own before
writing a given business application. Combined together, they solve
innumerable application development challenges, and free a development
team from having to write application architecture, allowing the team to
focus on writing the applications that support the business at hand.

With the 4.0 release, we replaced our own mvc with Struts'. We've
released 4.1 RC3 download onsite which will be dubbed 4.1 this weekend.
The 4.1 release is a major release with many many enhancements. If it
has been some time since you looked at Expresso, please consider doing
so again.


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