Hi Wendy,
   Have you tried 
<html:radio name="resView"  property="key" value="Your scriplet from
You need to specify name="resView" because this is the handle to each
object during the iterate.

>>> Wendy Smoak 10/10/02 09:00am >>> 
John wrote: 
> I think the body of the tag is the value, so just do this : 

That didn't work: 
According to the TLD attribute value is mandatory for tag radio 

Back to the scriplet or JSTL approach-- I tried it yesterday and it
seem that the resVew bean was immediately available. I'm guessing it
put into page scope, or else I have to in order to get to it. 
(Wasn't this where TEI's came into play, once upon a time?) 

Wendy Smoak 

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