Sorry, can't follow you exactly.
What's that???
type="{the class that aem represents with complete package ex.

1. AemGroupBean is not the Form, AemGroupBean is just one of thousand
beans containing one data record each.
2. AemGroupBean hasn't got a getWerkeList() but is part of the werkList
3. type: I don't know what this construction with brackets means:
{the class that aem represents with complete package ex.

anyways thank you for your help so far.


> I guess your JSP has been throwing exceptions.
> How abt trying this?
> <html:select property="werkAuswahl">
>         <logic:iterate id="aem"
>                    name="AemGroupBean"
>                property="werkeList"
>                    type="{the class that aem represents with complete package ex. 
>                 <html:option value="<bean:write name='aem' property='mo'/>"/>
>         </logic:iterate>
> </html:select>
> here:
> 1. AemGroupBean should be the formbean.
> 2. AemGroupBean should have a getWerkeList() to fetch the "werkeList"
> 3. the object that is identified by the "Type" entry should contain a getMo().

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