(I've been screwing with this for a while.)

From the User Guide, I've not been able to figure out the proper tags to display the data located: http://www.teachandtravel.com/site/infosessions/schedule.php?division=Canada.

This is what I have so far:

<logic:iterate id="schedule" name="currentSchedule">
<bean:write name="schedule" property="date"/>
<nested:iterate id="session" name="currentSchedule.sessions">
<bean:write name="session" property="city"/>

I have a List of Date Beans, that have a date property and each contains a List of Location Beans, that have a city property.

I'm very confused as to how to make this work, furthermore I need to replicate the three-column layout of the above page. (I hope to find an elengant solution for that.)

Please lend a hand if you understand the iterate tags!



Adam Sherman
Software Developer
Teach and Travel Inc.

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