Ok Eddie .. thanks.

My question now is, the 'act' of populating the LableValuesBeans ( in the
form ) is now split out into two spots.
1)  The data I retrieve from the backend gets populated in the form
2)  The action form fills in 1 value for the "none" selection.

Does this seem strange?

Should 1) be done in the action rather then encapsulated in the form?

Let me know if I'm not being clear.

Thanks Eddie.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush@;swbell.net]
Sent: October 18, 2002 3:39 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: access ApplicationResource from ActionForm

You do not have access to any resources in ActionForm.  The form is just 
there to act as a conduit for data - something for it to pass through - 
like electricity passes through a wire.  In that case, the electricity 
would represent your data and the wire would be your form.  Notice that 
a wire does not change the state of the electricity.

The proper place to do this is in an Action class.  Action has a 
getResources method (a few different signatures I believe, actually). 
 This is where you would get that data.  You could then set some 
property of your form accordingly.

Darren Hill wrote:

>Hi All,
>My ActionForm is populating a drop-down list ( LabelvalueBean's ) and I
>to say "- None -" for a none-selection .. and want it to be i18n.  So, can
>access the ApplicationResource to retrieve that 'None'.  If so, how?
>Is this the best idea?

Eddie Bush

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