Well, there could still be cases where you wish to extend ActionServlet, but moreover I think folks will probably extend RequestProcessor instead. For initialization logic, ActionServlet is one spot - writing a class that implements org.apache.struts.action.PlugIn is another. The interface is *very* basic, and, for an example of what types of things you'll need to do, you can check the validator plugin (o.a.s.validator.ValidatorPlugIn, I *think*). If you have problems let us know.

1.1 docs are getting a lot more "fleshy" - and should even be accurate. Yes, I'd suggest them. Umm - last I looked at the jakarta site our docs were up-to-date (or close), but you may grab a fresh nightly and install the documentation war anyway (which would be the latest information).

If you are modifying the way the struts-config file gets loaded - like, say, changing it to have some proprietary format, I think extending ActionServlet may still be the way to go. However, for nearly all other initialization tasks, writing a PlugIn should suffice nicely.


Thanks for your response Eddie.

First : I redefined init cause I did it in struts 1.0 to initialise my struts menu repository. I'm not aware of the plugin architecture. Do you think i should go ahead for 1.1 documentation? :-)
Where can i find details about this plugin architecture?
It can fix my problem.

For my servlet initialisation problem. I'm on my way with struts console. I hope it will help.

Thanks again for helping a struts 1.1 newbee...


Eddie Bush

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