Sorry to be a pain but has anyone got any idea how to fix this problem? Also
can I use the JSP expression language with struts?



> Hi,
> I have a JSP called upload.jsp with a form and file tag like this:
> <html:form action="/" enctype="multipart/form-data">
>     Please Input The File You Wish to Upload:<br/>
>   <html:file property="myFile"/><br />
>   <html:submit />
> </html:form>
> The page that calls upload.jsp also passes a parameter called objID, I
> like to add this parameter to the action URL but I don't know how to.
> I did try using a normal html form tag and jstl to add the paramerer like
> this:
> <c:url value="/" var="myUrl">
>     <c:param name="objID" value ="${param.objID}"/>
> </c:url>
> <form action=<c:out value="${myUrl}"/>>
>     <!--same code as above -->
> </form>
> This sets the correct action url in the generated html but I get a bean
> utils exception when I press the submit button.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jim.
> PS I don't want to use a scriptlet if I can help it. I have seen previous
> postings from Craig where he advises against using scriptlets.
> --
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