
I am student doing an intership and i just started to learn about Struts
because I'm currently transforming a J2EE web application composed by
servlets and old-java-embedded-JSPs so it can adopt Model 2.

To acomplish this i found that using Struts is the prefect answer. To reach
my goal, at first I thought that maybe the best way to do it was to first
address the interface by taking out all the Java embedded in all the JSPs,
and change it with Struts, JSTL, custom made taglibs. After doing this, i
was going then to think about the Model and the framework itself...

But i have found that to take out the embedded java from the JSP has been
very difficult, since the objects(I'd like to say JavaBeans, bur they 're
not exactly that, and actually that is part of the problem) which were
sended from the logic to the presentation were very complex in nature and
the content an not be presented just by using the strut's, JSTL or many
other libraries i have looked exhaustively.

So, should i leave some Java embedded in the JSPs?
If the answer to the previous question is "yes", should I maybe put the
embedded Java into custom tag libraries made by me? or maybe use includes or

I please ask your help on this since I'm running out of time.

Thanks from Madrid.

Fernando Hernandez.

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