Thanks for your interest in this...

Here is one the cases(The problem line have a comment with asterisks):

        BeanMetacontent currentRes = session.getAttribute("currentRes");
        try {
        /*********/BeanMetaContent currentContent =
            langDefined = true;
            currContentClass = "mngTableLine";
      } catch (NotFoundLanguageException e) {
                currentContent = new BeanMetaContent();
            langDefined = false;
            currContentClass = "mngTableLineUntranslated";


I receive in the Session Scope an object named currentRes...whcih I use to
instanciate the BeanMetaContent class(currentContent) by calling a method
(currentRes.getMetaContentByLanguage ( currBeanLang.getLanguageId() )which
is not a simple getter, beacuse a parameter has to be given to it to
retreive the instance.

Also, the method getMetaContentByLanguage( LanguageId ), throws a
LanguageNotFoundException when the content with the desired language is not
found. This exception I have to catch it(I don't know yet how to do it) and
then do some setters like
currentContent.setTitle(defBeanLang.getNotFoundMessage()(which I think I can
do it but not sure yet).

What I have understand through my research and the answers from the people I
have asked for an opinion about this, is that the presentation layer should
not be handling this type of operations that can be done (maybe even more
effectively) in the logic layer. That the presentation should only care
about showing content and not as in this example if there is content in a
particular language and then show in it. Another example is the fact of
setting attributes of the currContentClass to use them later...

I still have to learn a lot of the whole perspective about Struts(though I
have read dozens of articles and tutorials jeje) main tasks are
adopting Model 2, and giving the JSPs enough simplicity and versatility so
they can be easily parametirized resulting in customer benefit and
maintanance efficiency. But the main obstacle I have found(I may be wrong
about this) is that in this case, the presentation and the logic layer are
to tightly related, as I assume I show in the previous example(again, I
maybe wrong about this). But i'll keep on investigating about this until I'm
completely sure about the "whole picture", and until i have a well defined
strategy for this project in particular.



-----Mensaje original-----
De: Karr, David [mailto:david.karr@;]
Enviado el: martes, 12 de noviembre de 2002 19:18
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Asunto: RE: From old JSP and Servlets to STRUTS

Show us some examples of why you think you can't remove the scriptlets.
Some of those cases are probably easily fixable.

However, you should probably first understand the model and framework before
trying to fix your JSP pages.  This is because you'll find that anything
resembling "business logic" will not be in your JSP pages.

Once you address that, you'll mostly just have a few scriptlet expressions
left to cover cases that aren't easily covered with normal usage of Struts.

Just integrating with the JSTL will also help, as you can use some JSTL tags
that use the JSTL EL instead of using scriptlets.

You can also move towards using the Struts-EL library (in the nightly
build), which is a version of the Struts tag library which uses the JSTL EL
engine to evaluate attribute values.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fernando Hernandez [mailto:fernando@;]
> I am student doing an intership and i just started to learn
> about Struts
> because I'm currently transforming a J2EE web application composed by
> servlets and old-java-embedded-JSPs so it can adopt Model 2.
> To acomplish this i found that using Struts is the prefect
> answer. To reach
> my goal, at first I thought that maybe the best way to do it
> was to first
> address the interface by taking out all the Java embedded in
> all the JSPs,
> and change it with Struts, JSTL, custom made taglibs. After
> doing this, i
> was going then to think about the Model and the framework itself...
> But i have found that to take out the embedded java from the
> JSP has been
> very difficult, since the objects(I'd like to say JavaBeans,
> bur they 're
> not exactly that, and actually that is part of the problem) which were
> sended from the logic to the presentation were very complex
> in nature and
> the content an not be presented just by using the strut's,
> JSTL or many
> other libraries i have looked exhaustively.
> So, should i leave some Java embedded in the JSPs?
> If the answer to the previous question is "yes", should I
> maybe put the
> embedded Java into custom tag libraries made by me? or maybe
> use includes or
> imports?
> I please ask your help on this since I'm running out of time.
> Thanks from Madrid.
> Fernando Hernandez.
> --
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