I gather the top menu on BaseBeans is displayed using struts-menu, however if
you go to the Online Samples you get the exception: "The menu repository
could not be found."

I then went and downloaded Struts-Menu1.1 from sourceforge.  Placed the
struts-menu.war in the Tomcat 4.1 webapps directory and loaded it.  Same
error message.

I found a message in struts-dev about struts-menu, but seems rather old
refers to Struts 0.5.  From that though I believe I need to load the
menu-config.xml via an Extended Action Servlet.  So far I've had no luck
doing this.

My question is 3 parts
Am I on the right path?
And Has someone done this that could post the code that does this?
Am I missing something in the example webapp?

In the end all I want is an example that I can use to extend and modify



-----Original Message-----
From: V. Cekvenich [mailto:vicc@;users.sourceforge.net]
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic select menu in JSP

Regarding menus, I use struts - menu from sourceforge.
You can see struts menu runing at baseBeans.com live.

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