Just tested with the nightly build of struts (20021114) and the CVS HEAD
version of StrutsTestCase...

Got the behaviour I had experienced with Struts 1.1-b2 (but the dynamic
validators are now working!)

In the test method at some point I make a call to
'verifyForward("Sucesso")' which is mapped as follows:

<action ...>
  <forward name="Sucesso" path="/index.do"/>

This mapping is defined within a sub-application named 'docente', so it
seems Struts is handling well the request, but StrutsTestCase isn't
dealing with the sub-application prefix...

An excerpt from the test's result is below:

Testcase: testSuccessfulCriarSitio took 2,907 sec
was expecting '/index.do' but received '/docente/index.do'
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: was expecting '/index.do' but
received '/docente/index.do'
        at servletunit.struts.Common.verifyForwardPath(Common.java:171)

If anyone can shed some light over this issue...


   inesc-id   Jorge Martins              | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
lisboa        Software Engineering Group |

-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush@;swbell.net] 
Sent: sexta-feira, 15 de Novembro de 2002 1:38
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts 1.1 and StrutsTestCase

Jorge Martins wrote:

>I'm using a nightly build of struts (20021101) and can't get the 
>StrutsTestCase unit testing framework to work for sub-applications...
I think this has been fixed in more recent nightly builds - try a more 
recent one, please.

>I've tried using struts 1.1-b2 and the the tests work partially 
>(forwards verification doesn't deal with forwards defined within an 
>action in a sub-application), but the Struts Dynamic Validator doesn't 
>seem to work properly...
>Does anyone have these problems? Is there any way of using Dynamic 
>Validators in struts 1.1-b2?
It's conceivable that the problems you are experiencing are causing this

other aberrant behavior.  Try a more recent nightly and report back, 

>Thanks in advance,
>    Jorge

Eddie Bush

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