Clustered web application in Weblogic using Struts.
It looks like Struts automatically appends the sessionid when I
use tags like html:link page=... tag or when I invoke
the ActionMapping.findForward() call.

However, when I have an HTML form and I POST to an
action, it looks like the sessionID is not getting tacked on, and
the weblogic cluster is creating a new session and sending me over
to a different server in the cluster than the I initially connected to.

Here is what my JSP looks like with the form:

<html:form action="/insertAccount" focus="username">


where /insertAccount is an action in my struts-config.xml.
For some reason, this action invokes a controller on a new
server in the cluster, not the orginal one.

Am I doing something wrong? Any inights appreciated.

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