I am using the nested tags with Struts 1.02.

I want to be able to dynamically set a call to a javascript function.  I 
want to pass in the row number to the function.

I currently have....

<nested:iterate property="asrTranList" 
type="abbott.ai.tcgm.entities.AsrTran" indexId="idx">
                <td class="maintCenter">
                        <nested:text property="actionCode" maxlength="1" 
size="1" styleClass="maintWidth1"
 onchange="makeEditDirty('hideOnEdit','showOnEdit','<bean:write name="idx" 
scope="page" />');"
                                onkeyup="return autoTab(this, 1, event);" 

This does not work.

I have also tried

<nested:iterate property="asrTranList" 
type="abbott.ai.tcgm.entities.AsrTran" indexId="idx">
                <td class="maintCenter">
                        <nested:text property="actionCode" maxlength="1" 
size="1" styleClass="maintWidth1"
                                onkeyup="return autoTab(this, 1, event);" 

It does not work either.

It is looking to me like a bug with the nested tags.  They sure have been 
very useful.  I would hate to change all the code back at this point.

Why can I use a regular jsp <%=idx%> to get the value of the indexId from 
the iterate tag?


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