On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Savantraj, Chennamakal Subramanian wrote:

> Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:21:52 +0800
> From: "Savantraj, Chennamakal Subramanian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Complicated Web Interfaces?
> By considering complcated GUI, we are planning to move to Swing
> Applications, which are deployed using "WEB START".
> Our idea is to use a controller to Navigate between Swing Application and
> Server side Business Logic.
> So the core business Logic still run in server and GUI components run
> Locally.Not decided yet how to Transfer Data back and forth between
> Application and Server.Pls share your experience..
> Any serious problem(s) with this approach?

In general, this is a viable solution for UIs that are not amenable to the
limitations of HTML browsers, and/or need to run in an environment where a
browser is not available.  The primary downsides are that your user must
download a JVM if they don't have one (although only once), and your
developers must know both Swing and HTML if you're delivering the same app
both ways.

For client-server communication, you could look at a "web services" style
approach, or perhaps design some Struts actions that accept serialized
Java objects represent the request and return a serialized Java object
containing the results.  The request-response nature of HTTP is actually
quite helpful for this sort of requirement.


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