On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 22:00, g h wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Im new to structs so please be gentle.
> I have an action that forwards onto a jsp page with a form.
> When the form buttons are pressed a different action is called.
> Action1 ---> testform.jsp ---> Action2
> All works fine if the form passes validation.
> When the form fails validation, I expect to be returned back to the
> jsp form with some handy error messages. Instead all I get is a blank 
> html page (<html><body></body></html>) and no error messages (and no 
> errors from Jetty either).
> Any clue what Im doing wrong?
> Peter.

What's probably happening is an error is occuring that is being
swallowed (at some point) and leaves you puzzled as to its origin. 

This has happened to me on occasion, and if a detailed search through my
container's logs doesn't turn up anything, then its time to add more
(strategically placed) debug statements to my code.  That's always
helped me out of whatever mess I've created.

James Mitchell

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