I assume you are only getting nothing when the server side validation
fails.  If you are getting nothing when the validation doesn't fail that is
another problem.

If it is the former, I suspect your problem is related to your input
parameter in the action mapping.  I had a similar situation (blank screen
when server side validation failed and javascript was turned off).  Turned
out Input was set to an invalid path, once it was corrected, it worked like
a charm.

                      "Matt Raible"                                                    
                      <matt@raibledesig        To:       
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     
                      ns.com>                  cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  [Validator] Client-side 
works, but not server-side   
                      12/29/2002 05:58                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users                                                    
                      Mailing List"                                                    

I have the following defined in validation.xml:

      <form name="userForm">

              <field property="username"

                  <arg0 key="userForm.username"/>


And this works great for prompting me with client-side validation, but
when I turn off Javascript to test server-side validation, I get
nothing.  Any ideas?  I'm using inputForward="true" on my <controller>,
but I changed to be a regular path to "/editProfile.do" and still I get
no server-side validation.  Here is my action-mapping:

<action path="/saveUser" type="org.appfuse.webapp.actions.UserAction"
  name="userForm" scope="session" input="/userProfile.do"
  parameter="action" unknown="false" validate="true"/>

Any ideas?  I'm fairly confident that I have things configured
correctly, as the client-side validation works.  Suggestions are



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