Is there a way to get the inputs from an html form that has something like:

        col1    col2    col3
row     x       x       x
row     x       x       x       
row     x       x       x

where x may or may not be entered and the input boxes are named like col1,
col2, col3.  

So if a user enter a number in row2, col1 and row3, col1 how to tell that it
was row 2 and 3 that where entered because hen inputs are named the same the
parameters come back to the server as an array but there is no guarantee
which order they were in especially if the first one was blank as in this
case.  The array looks like I had two entries in col1 but the numbers are in
position 0, and 1.  which they should be in position 1 and 2.

Any thoughts.

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