>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brian> for some reason, almost every time i start up my app server (jboss 3.0.4 w/
    Brian> tomcat 4.1.12) and click to a jsp with an <html:form> element, i get the
    Brian> following exception:

    Brian> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
    Brian> org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELFormTag.getFocusIndex()Ljava/lang/String; 
    Brian> at org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELFormTag.doStartTag(ELFormTag.java:89) 
    Brian> org.apache.jsp.List_jsp._jspx_meth_html_form_0(List_jsp.java:197) at
    Brian> org.apache.jsp.List_jsp._jspService(List_jsp.java:114) at
    Brian> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:136) at

    Brian> ...

    Brian> there is nothing about focus anywhere in my jsps, so i'm at a loss as to 
how to
    Brian> explain what is causing this exception. anybody seen anything like this?

On December 13th, the "focusIndex" attribute was added to the "form" tag in the
base library.  Later that day, I added "focusIndex" to the "form" tag in

If you're getting this error, then the version of "strutsel.jar" that you have
does not match the version of "struts.jar" that your container is seeing.  I
would guess you have more than one "struts.jar" in your classpath, or visible
from more than one classloader, and one of them is older than the other.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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