> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yan Zhu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 10:57 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: a couple of questions
> hey guys,
>     using struts 1.1 beta 3 here with tomcat 4.1.18.
>     pretty much a newbie with struts ...
>     first of all, I am trying to use ActionError to create 
> some error messages during validation. is there anyway to 
> customize your error message instead of getting from the 
> resource file? sometimes my message content is dynamic. If I 
> wish to extend the original ActionError to implement this 
> feature, how would I go about it? seems a bit tough without 
> modifying original class.

One, possibly hokie way, of doing this would be to use parameters in your resources.  
For example, say your error resource is defined as

foo.error=Don't ever {0}

and then you can create an error as 

ActionError a = new ActionError("foo.error", "do that again.");

the following JSP will display "Don't ever do that again".

<html:errors property="foo.error"/>

A limiting case of this would be where foo.error is defined as follows


This makes the *entire* text of foo.error dynamic.

>     in the resource file, you can specify error.perfix etc, 
> but you can't do this hiarchinally i suppose? it'd be much 
> nicer if for error.login, you can define error.login.prefix, 
> that way your error messages will look different based on 
> different types of errors. if this can't be done, might be a 
> good improvment in the future.
>     I am also using tiles, which is a cool feature, but here 
> is my problem. I have a template with tile insert a few other 
> files, let's call them a.jsp and b.jsp. How do I do jsp 
> import or other things on a template level so I don't have to 
> do it over and over again for a.jsp and b.sjp.
>     for example, I like to be able to include a init.jsp in 
> my template, so that I don't need to include one for a.jsp 
> and b.jsp individually. I tried it, doesn't seem to work.

I have a root page layout tile that is something like:

<%@ include file="header.jsp" %>
  <tiles:insert attribute="nav"/>
  <tiles:insert attribute="body"/>

My individual tiles extend the layout tile.  The extensions in turn specify the actual 
the values for the 'title' and 'body' attributes.  However, I don't have to repeat 

>     thanks in advance.
> yan


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