The one thing I would say to watch out for is the persistent of form
information in session for wizards.

If you have a form that stretches across multiple pages in the standard
wizard pattern, the way I've seen it done in Struts is to use the Session
scope for the form bean.  There is no automatic wizarding through hidden
fields (though I've seen a few people suggest writing that enhancement).

As a question I'm not sure of that someone else might be able to answer.  If
you set a FormBean to be in Session scope in the structs config, at what
point is it removed from Session?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 1:32 AM
Subject: struts and session size

> I'm a newb to struts, investigating it as a replacement to our home-grown
> framework.  The big issues we're dealing with are scalability and
> support.  The combination of the two issues require that the session size
> and number of objects remain small (and generally immutable) for
> serialization performance issues.
> My question is 'How much is the struts framework using the session'?  I've
> done a little investigation with some sample example applications and
> it's storing only the locale.  I know it could also be storing Tokens, but
> only on demand eh?  Do heavier apps or certain functions of struts use the
> session heavily?
> Thanks!
> -George
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