I'm using the Validator with Javascript on several forms and having a
problem where the form submits even if the javascript did not validate
properly.  It pops up the alerts, then submits the form anyway, which
comes back with the errors in the HTML.  This isn't, I assume, the desired
behaviour.  Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here's a snippet:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"  %>

<html:javascript formName="newTemplateForm" dynamicJavascript="true"
<script language="JavaScript" src="staticjavascript.jsp"/></script>
  <head><title>New Template</title></head>
    <html:form action="/rendertemplate" method="GET"
      Label: <html:text property="label" maxlength="256"/><br/>
      Notes: <html:text property="notes" maxlength="2048" size="100"/><br/>
      <html:hidden property="pdfFile"/>
      <html:submit title="Fill Out Template"/>

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