Thanks for your help! It worked!
Now I have the user on the new page, but when the createAccount is entered
the action behind the form is also called.
Is there a way to avoid this?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: Forwarding parameters

> Andreas,
> If I understand correctly, you have a LoginAction and a NewUserAction. If
> the user identifies himself as a new user, you want LoginAction to forward
> to a page where the user name is populated and the processing is handled
> NewUserAction.
> One approach would be to place the user name as a request parameter (not
> attribute) in the query string
> and forward to the new user page. The form on the new user page will
> the form with the new user
> name populated in the appropriate field. In this fashion you let Struts do
> most of the work for you.
> In order for this to work the user name field name must be identical in
> login form and the new user form.
> You must also bind the new user form to the NewUserAction by assigning its
> name to the input attribute of the form element in the struts-config file.
> For example you should have something like the following in your struts
> config file:
> <form-beans>
> <form-bean name="loginForm" type="com.mycompany.BaseForm">
> <form-bean name="newUserForm" type="com.mycompany.BaseForm">
> </form-beans>
> <action-mappings>
> <action path="/do/login"
>         parameter=""
>         validate="true"
>         scope="request"
>         name="loginForm"
>         type="com.mycompany.BaseAction"
>         input="/login.jsp">
> <forward name="success" path="/account/index.jsp"/>
> <forward name="newuser" path="/createAccount.jsp"/>
> </action>
> <action path="/do/createAccount"
>         parameter=""
>         validate="true"
>         scope="request"
>         name="newUserForm"
>         type="com.mycompany.BaseAction"
>         input="/createAccount.jsp">
> <forward name="success" path="/account/index.jsp"/>
> </action>
> The createAccount.jsp should have a form element which "points" to the
> createAccount action.
> <html:form action="createAccount" ..../>
> The LoginAction code would look something like this:
> MyForm form = (MyForm)form;
> String userName = form.getUserName();
> if (isNewUser(userName)) { // determine if the user is a new user
>   forward = mapping.findForward("newuser");
>   /*
>    * NOTE:
>    * There are cleaner ways to attach a parameter
>    * to the path. Search for
>    * ParameterActionForward in the mailing list archives.
>    */
>   String path = forward.getPath() + "?userName=" + userName;
>   forward = new ActionForward(path);
> } else {
>   // do something else
> }
> return forward;
> One last thing. The reason your data is getting "lost" is because you
> are redirecting instead of forwarding. When you redirect, a new request
> is created thereby loosing all of your existing data. A quick solution
> would be to set the redirect flag in the forward to false or just omit
> it since forwarding is the default behavior for an ActionForward.
> HTH,
> robert

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