> From: Giri Alwar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Subject: Re: DynaActionForm question

> The DynaActionForm differs from the ActionForm in one 
> critical way: the ActionForm class is a real Javabean with 
> getter/setters for your properties. Hence it can be used with 
> other third party taglibs such as JSTL etc. The 
> DynaActionForm does not have getters/setters for your 
> properties. The only reason it works with Struts taglibs is 
> because Struts taglibs recognize the DynaActionForm as 
> something unique and process it differently.

Actually, DynaActionForm works just fine with JSTL, because it
implements a .map getter, so where in a non-DynaForm JSTL you might say:


You can say

value="${bean.map.property}" using a DynaForm

> I have a question for the folks in general. What is the main 
> reason for using the DynaActionForm class (as opposed to 
> writing your own ActionForm)? While you don't have to write 
> your own class with DynaActionForm, aren't you restricting 
> yourself to using Struts taglibs (especially the bean 
> taglibs?). What if you want to use JSTL now or sometime in 
> the future? With the IDE's that we all use today, creating an 
> ActionForm class with getter/setter methods is a breeze. 
> Hence, what do you truly gain by using DynaActionForm? Giri

As mentioned, you can use DynaForms with JSTL just fine, and even with
modern IDEs, not having to write and maintain a class per form is a
major win for me.

James Turner
Owner & Manager, Black Bear Software, LLC

    MySQL & JSP Web Applications: 
        Data Driven Programming Using Tomcat and MySQL
    ISBN 0672323095; SAMS, 2002

    Struts Kick Start
    ISBN 0672324725; SAMS, 2002

    Java Server Faces Kick Start 
    SAMS, Fall 2003

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