> Hello World
> As some one who spent a several months out of work last year I am
> wondering just what this guy did wrong? Perhaps he was a little
> foolish and his prose was a tad bit contrite, but he did flag
> the subject as out-of-topic [OT]. Maybe he should used a
> different call sign [JOB] or something else for example.
> A little of over a month ago his post would have been
> up-lifting for me, a sign of the green shoots of recovery
> even if the role was US of A.

> I am wondering what is funny or comical about being out of work
> or being forcibly placed out of work these day?

Nothing, unless you were formerly employed as a technical recruiter in silicon valley. 
 Then the irony is just too much for me and I bubble over with mirth.

In case you hadn't noticed, they were just giving the guy a little hell for recruiting 
on a user-list for open-source software.  I assume you feel smugly morally superior to 
them in labeling his post "..a little foolish.." and "..a tad bit contrite..", rather 
than just issuing a similar flippant response?    

> -- 
> Peter Pilgrim
> ServerSide Java Specialist / Contractor / Consultant
> My on-line resume and for interview videos about myself, J2EE
> Open Source, Struts and Expresso.
>     ||
>     \\===>  `` http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/no-it-striker.html ''
> --
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