
> It just appears to me that althought they were pulling the apex
> recruiter's leg, it could be interpreted that they are unsympathetic
> to people who are staring depressing hard at the their very last
> month of money left before the house gets repossessed by the
> mortgage company and law courts.

Huh?  Where did you get that idea?  We are not "unsympathetic".  Our joking
was more of "friends having a little fun" and was NOT meant as banter.

Hell, I was in that same boat just after the 9/11 disaster.  I've a wife and
3 kids (10, 7, and 3)....my wife's career doesn't have income....I came to
about 15 days from losing my home before getting a break, so stop acting
like you're the only one who's having problems dude!!!

> ( Yep points should be given to coming to the source of Struts)
> I just wanted to bring balance to this. The ying and the yang,
> you know what I mean?
> --
> Peter Pilgrim
> ServerSide Java Specialist / Indepedent Contractor

James Mitchell

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