Funny you should mention that.  I've been wondering the same thing.  Search
the archives for a long discussion that Ted and I had on the issue.  The
short answer is no, there's not.  The long answer is if I ever get any free
time yes, there will be.


Laird J. Nelson
Electronic Channel Group, Fidelity eBusiness (Veritude)
* (508) 357-3142

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Baity [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 11:43 PM
> Subject: flow control decision making
> Hello,
> I've been off the list for a while... busy coding up about 60 
> action classes and all the JNDI behind them.
> One thing I found about using the struts_config file is that 
> it is a lot easier to refactor, fix flawed business rules 
> dealing with page flow, etc in the struts config xml than it 
> is to yank the java code around in the action classes. For 
> instance, if I found that action X really needed to route to 
> targets a, b, c and d instead of Action Y, I have to move the 
> logic out of Action Y and put in into Action X whereas in the 
> struts config all I need to do is move the <forward lines 
> between the two <action elements.
> I was thinking of developing a way to make the routing logic 
> separate from the business logic that does all the data 
> accessing and updating. But all I can think of is to create 
> another action class to forward to for handling this.
> Is there a way to specify in the struts_config a class that 
> an <action element can use just for determining the 
> action_forward and to ignore the value returned by the action class.
> -Tony
> ---------------------------------
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