
I've been off the list for a while... busy coding up about 60 action classes and all 
the JNDI behind them.

One thing I found about using the struts_config file is that it is a lot easier to 
refactor, fix flawed business rules dealing with page flow, etc in the struts config 
xml than it is to yank the java code around in the action classes. For instance, if I 
found that action X really needed to route to targets a, b, c and d instead of Action 
Y, I have to move the logic out of Action Y and put in into Action X whereas in the 
struts config all I need to do is move the <forward lines between the two <action 

I was thinking of developing a way to make the routing logic separate from the 
business logic that does all the data accessing and updating. But all I can think of 
is to create another action class to forward to for handling this.

Is there a way to specify in the struts_config a class that an <action element can use 
just for determining the action_forward and to ignore the value returned by the action 


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