When using Struts 1.0.2, it's possible to set the maxFileSize in the web.xml
for the action servlet.  Although this seems to stop transfer when this
amount is reached, it throws a ServletException (I think the actual
exception is MaxLengthExceededException) from the MultipartRequestHandler.
Ideally what I would like is for it to act as a validation error and
therefore somehow needs to be trapped.  Does anyone know of any way to do
this so I can return back to the upload JSP page with a user friendly error
message using ActionErrors rather than a ServletException being returned and
displated on the browser.

If this is not possible - I can only think of the following alternatives: 
1. Implement a MultipartRequestHandler and/or MultipartIterator myself -
does anyone have any advise on which classes need to be implemented?
2. Use a servlet filter to filter out requests using
request.getContextLength() [since after the first chunk is set, this is made
available), and manually forward back to the jsp page embedding an
ActionError in the request.

Does anyone have any advise on this?

Also, if you are using Struts 1.1, is this process made easier to handle and
can you specify max limits per action?

Any advise much appreciated, thanks! :)


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