David M. Karr wrote:

"Milo" == Milo Hyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Milo> I've scanned the list here and found that many people seem to be having
Milo> this same problem, so I'm going to add to it. I have a simple
Milo> application with two modules, declared in the web.xml as follows:

Milo> If I copy the action mapping into the default module
Milo> (/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml), it works fine. No matter what value I
Milo> enter into the html:form tag (including those beginning with trackers/),
Milo> it always seems to look in the default module. I haven't looked at the
Milo> source, but if I had to guess I'd say the JSP engine isn't aware of sub-modules.

if you can't find any answer here, please submit a detailed bug report about
this. It would be best if you could provide an isolated test case and put the
entire build of it in a zip file, and attach it as an attachment to the bug

If you want to do more analysis on this, try to execute your test case in a
debugger and step through your action code, and the Struts framework code, to
see if you can see where it is going wrong. If you see anything in that,
detail that in your bug report.

I've reported this to Bugzilla and it has been assigned #16442. I've also taken the liberty of solving the problem and developing a patch, as follows:

--- RequestUtils.java.orig Sun Jan 26 14:09:31 2003
+++ RequestUtils.java Sun Jan 26 14:32:56 2003
@@ -1673,6 +1673,7 @@
* @since 1.1b3
public static ModuleConfig getModuleConfig(PageContext pageContext) {
+ selectModule((HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest(),pageContext.getServletContext());
ModuleConfig moduleConfig =
(ModuleConfig) pageContext.getRequest().getAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY);
if (moduleConfig == null) { // Backwards compatibility hack

Apply this to src/share/org/apache/struts/util/RequestUtils.java and recompile Struts to fix the issue.

- Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs

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